Miniatura Scott, Air Free Alpride 30 Kit Pack, black
Miniatura Scott, Air Free Alpride 30 Kit Pack, black
Miniatura Scott, Air Free Alpride 30 Kit Pack, black
Scott, Air Free Alpride 30 Kit Pack, black
Scott, Air Free Alpride 30 Kit Pack, black
Scott, Air Free Alpride 30 Kit Pack, black


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SKU: Q95scow11a

Big freeride backpack with avalanche system, where everything that you need for a day spend off-piste, can be transported in, without influencing the functionality of the system.

Size: 52 x 19 x 30 cm

Volume: 30 L

Do you often ski off-piste? Then this backpack by Scott with Alpine airbag technology is ideal for you. The backpack equipped with an airbag that can be released with a plastic grip on the left shoulder belt. Next to that waiste and chest bands are equipped with metal security clasps that create a secure and comfortable fit. In addition the leg bands increase security as well in case of an avalanche.

The airbag is extremely lightweight, easy to handle and can be replaced fastly. If the plastic grip is pulled, the airbag expands to 150 L within three seconds, due to released gas of two Alpine cartridges.

How does it work?

The idea behind the Scott Alpride airbag system is based on the theory that small particles sink down and big one are pushed up. With the blown up airbag the volume of the skier is increased which is why he stays on the top. That  prevents that a skier can be completely covered under an avalanche.  The backpack also protects the head and back of the skier and increases the visibility of the skier by the bright colors.



  • Diagonal system to carry skis
  • Special pocket for avanlanche tools
  • Additional pocket for ski glasses
  • System to connect the helmet on the backpack


  • Systeem: 1,2 kg
  • Airbag: 0,35 kg
  • Cartridges: 0,45 kg

Material: 600D Polyester, 420D Polyester, Hypalon


No matter where and how you ski, with Scotts Airbag backpack optimizes your safety and protection.

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Brand Logo Scott

A volte è l'inseguimento, l'adrenalina o il puro istinto che ti guida. Da Scott Wintersports comprendiamo questa passione. La nostra attrezzatura garantisce che nulla ti distragga dal tuo legame con le montagne, dalle maschere di precisione agli sci perfettamente bilanciati.

La nostra storia è iniziata con l'innovativo bastone da sci in alluminio di Ed Scott, che ha trasformato lo sci per sempre. Questo spirito di innovazione rimane il nostro pilastro, evidente nella nostra avanzata attrezzatura, negli sci e nei prodotti rivoluzionari come lo sci in carbonio Crusair e la versatile maschera LCG.

Crediamo nel fare le cose nel modo giusto. Il nostro programma re-source by Scott si concentra sulla sostenibilità attraverso persone, prodotti e pianeta. Collaborazioni come Doghammer, che riciclano le cinghie delle maschere trasformandole in pantofole eleganti, ci aiutano a minimizzare il nostro impatto ambientale migliorando allo stesso tempo la tua esperienza in montagna.